Thursday, May 31, 2012

There WILL be Candy!

Strolling through my local grocery store the other day, I found an isle filled with small brightly wrapped baskets of candy - kind of reminded me of Easter Baskets. I asked my friend who has been in UB for a while what they were for. "Women's and Children's Day is coming up!" Another holiday where everyone gets off school and work and gets to pass around a lot of candy - AWESOME!

 Women's and Children's Day is an official holiday here in Mongolia and is celebrated on June 1st every year. Interestingly, UNICEF estimates that about 36% of the population in Mongolia is under the age of 18 and also states that there is "evidence that violence against children and women, abuse and exploitation of children including trafficking is on the rise". "Through speeches, conferences, television programs, and marches the people of Mongolia celebrate women and children and draw attention to the challenges that face them in a rapidly modernizing Mongolia."

Aside from the public awareness activities going on throughout the day, there will be candy and other small gifts given to kids and women. Kids here LOVE candy - just like in the states - and it's everywhere!

So, in honor of the kids for Women's and Children's Day, I'm wearing my Miss Piggy socks, my Goonies Never Say Die T-shirt and eating some Reece's Pieces.

Happy Women's and Children's Day!

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