Thursday, January 3, 2013

Weighty Goals 2013 Update 1

I haven't done an update on this since I moved here ten months ago so here goes.
Progress since I moved from Texas:

  • 40 pounds lost
  • 3 jean sizes down
  • I went from walking 20 minutes in UB and wanting to cry, to walking for a couple of hours and not wanting to cry.
  • I went from climbing three flights of stairs and being really, really winded to climbing five flights of stairs and being only slightly out of breath. (My first apartment was on the third floor, my current apartment is on the fifth floor).
This progress was mainly made by not having a car anymore. Needing to walk EVERYWHERE I go has been so good for me. At times, I've walked for two or three hours a day on a regular basis. Other times, just about 10 minutes a day but either way, it's more than I was doing at home. Many times, I'll skip taking the bus or a taxi just for the exercise - even though I'm walking in sub-zero temps and I'm living in the most polluted city on Earth during the winter months (I wear a mask to help with the pollution). 

This is my PE teacher from Elementary School!
I didn't use the picture in my blog before
because she closed her eyes but it's
a good "before" picture.
This was taken last month at Thanksgiving - not
the best picture of me but I think you can tell the

Most people that come here start to lose weight also due to all the walking. However, I'm still struggling with eating too much and hate the fact that if I weren't still eating too much, I would probably have lost twice as much. But there's no point in "shoulding all over myself" as a good friend puts it. 

And the great news is that I now have gone over FIVE years without practicing bulimia - and after being bulimic for over 20 years, that's saying something! Thank you Celebrate Recovery! The spiritual warfare over here is very difficult and I've been tempted to go back to trying to control my weight loss in that way but He is so good and victory has prevailed!

I leave for a months worth of vacation in a couple of weeks and will be back in the States for half of that time...where there are tortilla chips, Dr. Pepper, and fast food restaurants in abundance...little nervous about this. Will do my best to take it one day at a time and keep up some form of physical movement - wish me luck!!!!


  1. Brandie, i noticed before you wrote your are beautiful inside and out and you have lost a lot of so proud for you!! You are living the life i wish i could but im not brave and adventurous like you! This is paying off in so many ways Bran! It's wonderful to see your smile and read your words! Thank you for the blogs!!! We love you Brandie! (Trish S.)

  2. Way to go, friend! All that stuff is a HUGE deal!!! I love how your friend says that there's no sense in "shoulding" all over yourself - I have a friend that says that, too. They're right! Congrats on your five years, it is no small task. One day at a time, anything is possible. :)
