Friday, May 10, 2013

Weighty Goals Update 2013 #2

"The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends." ~Author Unknown~

 So, my 42 pound weight loss has turned into more of a 33-ish pound weight loss. Still good but considering that I'm going in the wrong direction it's discouraging! This change of life over the past 14 months has been difficult (why did I move to Mongolia?) and there have been so many times when I've been incredibly tempted to go back to my old ways of bulimia. However, (and thank goodness there's a however) because I have a loving Father, I have not gone back and in fact, this August will mark my 6th year of not purging! You can read my CR journey by clicking here. Since August, I moved and live only a 5 minute walk from school and to get to the city, I take a bus now so I don't walk nearly as much as I did when I first moved here. While my feet are grateful and blister-free, my weight loss slowed way down. I sometimes climb Zaisan, a monument on top of a hill not far from my apartment, but I haven't made that a regular thing like I had planned to.

Inspired by my mom who has lost over 30 pounds this year, I decided I needed to clean my diet up also. I have a fear that I while I'm home this summer I'll binge on all the foods I've missed over the past year (there's no fast food here or Chili's, Chipotle, Blue Goose, Babes, Denton County Hamburger, Texas Roadhouse or any of the other restaurants I used to's sad isn't? Poor Mongolians don't know what they are missing. But I'm supposed to be talking about weight loss. Ahem.) And then of course, having access to a car and not having to walk at all really (and therefore, my exercise gets cut dramatically) also scares me. My mom was able to get herself off caffeine, sugar and bread - no easy feat but if she can, I can! Here is a picture of us when she came to she came to visit me in Mongolia!

Something that I've found to help greatly in the past is accountability. If you read weight loss success stories (and there are TONS out there), many of them include some sort of accountability whether it be a trainer, doctor or just a few like minded friends. Enter my fellow UB teacher, Pam! Here is my favorite picture of us on the left. At this point, we both have our weight loss goals and plans on how to do this and will be keeping each other accountable through an app we share on our computers. My hope is that I can wean myself off of some of these foods before I go home and hopefully, won't be tempted (or as tempted) to binge on them.

I have proved this impossible but know Who this is possible with!
If you would like to join us, email me and I'll fill you in!

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